Butter Wedge Salad with Ocean Naturals® Yellowfin Solid Tuna


(Serves 2)
Prep/Cook time: 25-35 minutes

2 cans Ocean Naturals® Yellowfin Solid Tuna in Olive Oil
1 Head Butter Lettuces
½ Cup Red Onion Thinly Sliced
3 Small Ripe Tomatoes Cut in Quarters
¼ cup Croutons Crushed

Pink Dressing:
1/3 cup Mayonnaise
2 Tbsp Ketchup
1 Clove Garlic Finely Diced
1 tbsp White Onion Finely Diced
2 tbsp Pepperoncini Finely Diced
2 Tbsp Pepperoncini juice (from the jar)
2 Tbsp Fresh lemon juice
Salt and fresh cracked black pepper


Start by making the pink dressing. Simply combine all ingredients in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Next, cut off the stem of your butter lettuces and cut the head of lettuces in half. Rinse and pat dry with paper towel. Place each half on a separate plate and top with dressing. Then, place equal amounts of red onion on the top followed by the tomatoes and Ocean Naturals tuna. Then, garnish with the crushed croutons. Enjoy!